About us
In 2007 we realized a dream; we founded a treatment centre which comprises a range expert professionals in child development, parenting and teaching all under one roof. It was clear to us that families experiencing difficulties need comprehensive and diverse help that considers their ongoing maturation and development. We know how important it is to see the entire integretive developmental picutre, not only the child and his difficulties, but also his family, his environment and his abilities. The team is commited to improving the child's functioning in daily life and relationships with parents, family and friends.

In our assessments, diagnonistic evaluations and treatments, we believe it is essential to take into account the child themselves, the family and the educational system, in order to significantly improve functioning and create empowering, successful experiences.
Our staff have completed extensive professional training and continue to learn, develop and keep up with current treatment models. our team is experienced, dedicated and skilled in their fields. Our goals is to help improve the quality of life for children and families needing help in the areas of: Pscyhological Therapy (including Cogntive Behavioral Therapy), Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Diagnostic Evaluation and Mentoring/Tutoring (inlcuding for learning disabiilties and ADHD).
The Efsharyuot Center was faounded by Michal Ziv, Educational Psychologist and specialist in children and adolescent psychotherapy, parental guidance, ADHD and learning disabilities; Ronit Anitz, Occupational Therapist and specilist in group facilitation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Michal Harel-Hochfeld, Educational Consultant and expert in learning disabilites in the field of academia and diagnosotc evaluation.
The Efsharuyot team is commited to:
Individually-tailored, confidentiality and prompt treatment.
Collaborative muti-disciplinary teamwork between our staff members, the families and other involved professionals, such as doctors and teachers.
Our specializations:
Psychology: Education, Rehabilitation and Clinical Psychologists and Cognitive Behavioral Therapists provide varied individual, couple and family psychotherapy and parental guidance addressing difficulties such as anxiety, adoption, learning disabilities and so on.
Occupational Therapy: Addressing difficulties in the areas of fine and gross motor skills, sensory integration, planning and organization.
Speech Therapy: Adressing difficulties in the areas of devlepmental speech delay, pronunciation, stuttering, autism, learning and communication disorders.
Remedial teaching: Adressing difficulties in reading, writing, comprehension, organization, expression, mathematics and English.
Diagnostic evaluation: Didaactic, psychological and neurological evaluations to assess, for example, cognitive and emotional functionisg, learnign skills, academic devlopment and readiness for school grade transition, attention defecit, Tourettes Syndrome.
We take pride in our commitment to the children and families we work with. We use our extensive knowledge and many years of combined experience to tailor the treatment to the family and take care to work flexibly, adapting to the evolving child and situation. We believe that by working together, everyone can benefit and succeed!